Building Confidence For The Future

Built On A Reputation Of Unparalleled Engineering Expertise

H+S Technologie is an international company focused on environmental, industrial & water engineering solutions. From our understanding in the semiconductor, pharmaceutical, power generation, oil and gas, chemical, food and beverage industry, we are linked internationally to a network and group of specialists & suppliers across the globe. Headquartered in Zurich Switzerland, H+S has representatives in England, Russia and South-East Asian countries such as Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore.

With experience through the years, H+S is committed to providing excellence & unparalleled knowhow in all aspects of our products and business solutions.



H+S offer professional in-house design across all facets of engineering including Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control & Automation, Civil and Structural.


H+S understands that water and wastewater treatment resources is key to any development for future generations. We provide and can develop a stable and sustainable water supply solution.


H+S Waste Management provides expertise in waste to energy solutions, transfer stations, landfill management & rehabilitation including biomass-mechanical biological treatment, and material recovery facilities.


In the area of renewable energy, the company explores waste-to-energy technology from converting non-recyclable waste to solar technology to harness the power of the Sun.